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Developer Docs

Developer Documentation for ProbSolvio Platform

Welcome to the developer documentation for ProbSolvio Platform. This comprehensive guide is designed to assist developers in integrating with the platform, building custom applications, and contributing to its development. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just getting started, this documentation will provide you with the resources and information you need to leverage the power of ProbSolvio.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to ProbSolvio Platform

    • Overview of ProbSolvio and its key features
    • Understanding the architecture and components of the platform
  2. Getting Started

    • Signing up for a developer account
    • Accessing developer resources and tools
    • Understanding authentication and authorization mechanisms
  3. API Documentation

    • Overview of ProbSolvio API endpoints and methods
    • Authentication and authorization requirements for accessing the API
    • Detailed documentation for each API endpoint, including request and response formats, parameters, and examples
    • Integration with Fixies: Each Fixie has its own API, allowing developers to interact with specific AI tools, personas, or solutions. Documentation for each Fixie API is provided, detailing its functionality and usage.
  4. SDKs and Libraries

    • Available SDKs and client libraries for popular programming languages
    • Installation instructions and usage examples for each SDK/library
    • Best practices for integrating with ProbSolvio using SDKs
  5. Sample Code and Tutorials

    • Step-by-step tutorials and sample code for common integration scenarios
    • Examples of how to perform tasks such as creating Fixies, accessing AI tools, and collaborating with other users
  6. Developer Forums and Support

    • Access to developer forums and discussion boards for asking questions and sharing knowledge
    • Guidelines for submitting bug reports, feature requests, and other feedback
    • Support resources and contact information for developer support
  7. Contributing to ProbSolvio

    • Overview of the contribution process and guidelines for contributing code, documentation, and other resources
    • Information on how to report bugs, submit pull requests, and participate in the development community
  8. Additional Resources

    • Links to relevant documentation, articles, and tutorials on AI, innovation, and entrepreneurship
    • Educational materials and resources for developers interested in learning more about AI and its applications


With this developer documentation, we aim to empower developers to build innovative applications and solutions using the ProbSolvio platform. Each Fixie’s API enables developers to interact with specific AI tools, personas, or solutions, expanding the possibilities for creativity and problem-solving. Start exploring the developer documentation today and unleash the full potential of ProbSolvio for your projects and applications!